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Medical Technology
In 2012, National Geographic Channel Documentary "New Horizons in Asia: The Medical Miracle in Taiwan" introduced that Taiwan's medical technology has long been a reputation in the world. Among the top 200 hospitals in the world, Taiwan occupies 14, second only to the United States and Germany, Ranked third in the world, but the first in Asia. In the same year, in assessing the "World Health Ranking", with a combination of various indicators, the British "Economist" magazine ranked Taiwan the second in the world, second only to Sweden.

Related Link in National Geographic Channel
Doctors' Skill Level
The medical schools in Taiwan has gathered a group of people who are recognized as the brightest in their heads, because only the top 3,000 students in the college entrance examination can enroll in medical departments. They have to undergo seven years of medical education and training, including four years of basic medical education, two years of specialist medical education, and one year as trainees. Subjects are all in English. And then after three years of professional training, one must also pass the specialist training, formal examinations and complete their own research and publish papers in order to become eligible attending physicians. On average, a medical student must spend 12 to 13 years to become an attending physician. Strict and lengthy medical education has created a high standard of physicians in Taiwan.
National Health Insurance
Taiwan's "National Health Insurance" system has a world-renowned reputation. Even the United States is trying to laern from Taiwan. In Taiwan, it is easy to see a doctor and the medical registration fee is generally only NT$150 (about HK$38). You are free to choose amony nearby private clinics, private hospitals or government hospitals. In addition to freedom of choice of hospitals, it is also free to choose a doctor, without having to be diagnosed by a family physician first, and then by referral to specialist treatment. This has cut down the lengthy procedure, and avoid delayed the prime treatment time. In addition, general dental treatment (including scaling), Chinese medicine (including acupuncture, bruises, etc.) and some body check items are also included. The monthly premium is also very affordable, about HK $300. In Hong Kong, ordinary citizens can only wait five to six hours in government hospitals to receive treatment at the emergency and rescue department. Waiting for an operation can even take six months or more, or people can go to an expensive private hospitals at their own expense. In contrast, everyone in Taiwan is entitled to health care at a low cost and can enjoy the same medical services as those in luxuary hospitals. Who will not be moved?

Related Link: Taiwan Health Care #1

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